Timing and Location:
Key Points:
Compliance with UK Standards: Our breakfast club adheres to the School Food Standards for England, ensuring that the food and drinks provided support students’ health and learning.
Dietary Considerations: We cater to various dietary requirements, including vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options. Students with specific allergies or intolerances are accommodated.
Inclusivity: The club is open to all students, regardless of year group or background. We ensure that Pupil Premium students have equal access to the provision.
Food Safety: Our catering staff are trained in food hygiene and allergen awareness. Clear allergen information is available for all items served.
Promoting Attendance and Learning: The breakfast club aims to improve punctuality, attendance, and readiness to learn. It provides a calm start to the school day and an opportunity for social interaction.
Staffing: The club is supervised by school staff, with additional support from sixth form volunteers where appropriate.
Monitoring and Improvement: We regularly gather feedback from students and parents to continually improve our provision. Attendance is monitored to assess impact and demand.
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