Group of high school students using laptop in classroom


Homework in Maths 

Homework is set weekly by for every student in the school. Homework in Maths is designed to develop independent learners that are able to identify skill gaps and take the necessary steps to fill them. From Year 7 through to Year 13, the homework platform is designed to teach students how to take notes, how to monitor their own progress and take ownership of their own ‘skills’ practice. All students are set one or two tasks on Sparx. These tasks both compliment and support the work being done in class or focus on specific gaps in the student’s knowledge.  You can access Sparx through this link:  

Teachers may set other homework alongside their classwork as appropriate, however Sparx homework will be set every week to maintain consistency and clarity for students, parents and teachers. 

Homework in English 

Homework is used to consolidate new skills or knowledge, to research key information and to allow the teacher to ascertain the strengths and weaknesses of the students. All students are set homework each week, which is differentiated and relevant to the scheme of work being studied.   

In Key Stage 3, Bedrock is used to support vocabulary development, alongside specific tasks linked to curriculum units. Students are expected to achieve a minimum of 20 Bedrock points per week (approximately 30 minutes). You can access Bedrock here:  

In Key Stage 4: knowledge organisers are used to support independent learning across Literature content. Students will be expected to revise from these as part of weekly homework, with additional tasks set at the teachers’ discretion, up to 60 minutes per week. 

In Key Stage 5: A minimum of 2 hours of independent learning per week should be expected at A-level. This will include academic reading, annotations of key texts, and written responses which build from classwork. 

Homework in Science 

KS3 – Homework is set once per week if 4 lessons are taught by one teacher. If classes are split (e.g. 2 lessons per teacher) staff set homework at least once every two weeks so students get an average of 1 homework per week. 

KS4 – Triple Science
• Homework should be set as appropriate and average at least 1 per week. 

KS4 – Core/Additional
• Staff have 2 teaching lessons per week. They should set a minimum of 1 homework fortnightly.
• Students should average 3 homeworks per week. 

Home learning should be set as appropriate though at least once per week 

Homework in Humanities and MFL 

Each subject area within Humanities will undertake the following amount of home learning each week: 

   Year 7  Year 8  Year 9 
Geography  3 pieces per half-term  3 pieces per half-term  3 pieces per half-term 
History  3 pieces per half-term  3 pieces per half-term  3 pieces per half-term 
MFL  15-30 minutes per week  15-30 minutes per week  30-45 minutes per week 
RE  2 pieces per half-term  2 pieces per half-term  2 pieces per half-term 
Music  2 pieces per half-term (keywords based)  2 pieces per half-term (keywords based)  2 pieces per half-term (keywords based) 



   Year 10  Year 11  KS5 
Geography  One piece per week  One piece per week  180 minutes per week** 
History  One piece per week  One piece per week  180 minutes per week** 
MFL  One piece per week  One piece per week  180 minutes per week** 
RE  3 pieces per topic  3 pieces per topic  180 minutes per week** 
Music  1 piece per week; either theory (Focus on Sound) or practical dependent on coursework requirements.  180 minutes per week** 
Sociology  One piece per week  One piece per week  180 minutes per week** 
Psychology  One piece per week  One piece per week  180 minutes per week** 
Travel & Tourism  One piece per week  One piece per week
(from 2025/2026) 


**Independent Study can be undertaken at school in study areas as well as at home. 

All home learning will be linked to the curriculum/exam specification depending on the Year group. The purpose of home learning within Humanities and Languages is to promote independence, develop the skills needed to ensure students meet their potential in all Key Stages and to build resilience within our students. 

Home learning completion will be marked and monitored on a regular basis with feedback highlighting areas for improvement to be addressed during reflection time in class. Home learning will be differentiated where applicable. 

Homework in Music
KS3: 2 pieces of homework per half term (mostly theory based).  

KS4: 1 piece per fortnight; either theory or practical dependent on coursework requirements. 

Homework in Drama
KS3: 2 pieces of homework per half term.  

KS4: Set when required due to coursework schedule. Either theory or practical. 

Homework in Art
KS3: 2 pieces of homework per half term.  

KS4: Timetable of weekly homework given to the student every half term.  

KS5: Timetable of homework given to the student every half term. 

Homework in Sports
KS3: Students are expected to be completing at least 60 minutes of moderate and vigorous physical activity a day. Also at least 3 days a week these activities should involve exercises for strengthening muscles, such as push-ups.  

KS4/5: The vast majority of homework is students completing set coursework. Students are given a deadline and then the responsibility of organising their time to complete their independent study is down to them. 

Homework in Social Sciences and Technologies
Each subject area within SS&T will undertake the following amount of home learning each week: 

   Year 7  Year 8  Year 9 
D&T  3 pieces per half-term  3 pieces per half-term  3 pieces per half-term 
Computing  2 pieces per half-term  2 pieces per half-term  2 pieces per half-term 
Food  2 pieces per half-term  2 pieces per half-term  2 pieces per half-term 


   Year 10  Year 11  KS5 
D&T  60 minutes per fortnight  60 minutes per fortnight  180 minutes per week** 
Computing  30 minutes per fortnight  30 minutes per fortnight  180 minutes per week** 
Food  60 minutes per fortnight  60 minutes per fortnight  180 minutes per week** 
Child Development  60 minutes per fortnight  60 minutes per fortnight  180 minutes per week** 
Business Studies  60 minutes per fortnight  60 minutes per fortnight  180 minutes per week** 



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