The Grove School was inspected by Ofsted on 25 & 26 April 2023 and have now received their report. Ofsted give separate judgements for the quality of education, personal development, behaviour and attitudes, leadership and managements and sixth form provision. They also give an overall grade.
Ofsted rated The Grove as follows:
The quality of education Good
Personal development Good
Behaviour and attitudes Requires improvement
Leadership and management Good
Sixth form provision Good
Overall effectiveness Requires improvement
In the summer of 2022 Grove School GCSE results placed the school as the sixth highest performing school of the 18 secondary school across Shropshire.
When the school was last inspected in December 2017 it was rated as requires improvement for every category, except sixth form provision which was rated as good. This year the inspectors clearly recognised the immense changes that have taken place since the school joined the Marches Multi Academy Trust in December 2018. The school and Trust are immensely proud of what has been achieved.
With regards to the judgement for behaviour and attitudes Ofsted comment that ‘a minority of pupils do not consistently meet leaders’ and teachers’ expectations for behaviour. Leaders are aware of this and have put in place further plans to address the behaviour of these pupils.’ Grove School is working with the national Behaviour Hub which is a programme written by Tom Bennett, the national lead for improving culture and behaviour in schools in England. They visited the school last week and reported that they did not witness any poor behaviour across the school and that students were engaged in their learning. The school have already seen real improvement in the attitudes of the learners and are confident that this will continue.
We have so many positives to continue to build on with excellent practice already taking place in many areas. Thank you for your ongoing support and trust in The Grove School. Together, we will continue to raise the bar and provide an exceptional education for our students.
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