We believe that knowing our students well is key to their success. At The Grove Sixth Form every student will benefit from strong academic and pastoral systems and be fully supported throughout their Key Stage 5 studies. From the induction at the end of Year 11 and the start of Year 12, to the ongoing, rigorous monitoring of academic progress and guidance throughout the two years, our students are given the best possible personalised support to maximise their chances of success. We aim to equip our students not only with academic knowledge but with the skills to succeed not during their two years with us, and beyond. We pride ourselves on our success in ensuring that our students reach the best possible destinations and are equipped for the next stage in their lives.
We have a team of highly experienced tutors and a sixth form mentor to ensure that students have consistent, daily contact. These tutors deliver a bespoke Personal Development program which is complemented by ongoing careers opportunities and guidance, including a range of speakers. This program is complimented with visits, work experience and individual support to guide them fully, through either the university application process or into an apprenticeship. All sixth formers will consult a fully qualified careers adviser on site. The individual care our students receive to get to the right destination for them is second to none and our destinations are testament to this.
In addition to the academic and pastoral support, we provide opportunities for personal growth with a developing enrichment programme that helps students develop and build on skills linked to the Fundamental British Values and the schools’ values.
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