“The Grove School will assess the impact of the ‘Future Me’ careers programme on students by completing an annual student survey and analysing destinations data. Activities and experiences will be sequenced within the ‘Discovery Curriculum’ to ensure students gain the right knowledge to support their future career choices. These activities and experiences include external trips, guest speakers, virtual workshops, information evenings and work experience placements. Post event feedback will be taken from students (and where appropriate, parents/carers) to measure the effectiveness of these events”


James Pledger
SLT Link and Careers Leader 
[email protected]

Careers Adviser
[email protected]

Chris Ingham
Link Governor
[email protected]

Camille Mortimer
Enterprise Coordinator
[email protected]

Sophie Berry
Library and Careers Coordinator
[email protected]



Careers Programme


Future Me Case Studies 

Please click on the link below to view some of the events that have taken place this academic year and the impact they have had for our students and parents/carers.

2022-2023 Case Studies

2024 Case Study – Careers Fair

2024 – Case Study Harper Adams University Visit


Are you an Employer? Do you run a local business?

The Grove School needs your help to bridge the gap between education and employment

The Grove School wants to connect with employers and careers programme providers to work together to create meaningful encounters with the world of work for our students. Data shows that a young person who has four or more encounters with an employer is 86% less likely to be unemployed or not in education or training and can go on to earn up to 18% more during their career.

Our goals

What could you do?

Provide work experience placements

Provide work shadowing

Support our events

Be a guest speaker at The Grove School – see our previous guest speakers here

We would love to hear from you, please contact our Careers Adviser via [email protected]




What to expect from a career guidance interview?

A careers guidance interview is an impartial, one-to-one meeting between yourself and a professionally qualified Careers Adviser (Level 6 Diploma in Careers Guidance & Development) that is being provided through our partnership with Future Focus, a careers guidance support service based in Telford. A guidance interview can last up to 45 minutes. A careers guidance interview is not like a job interview – there are no right or wrong answers. Click here for more information. 

You’ll also find some useful websites here.

Labour Market Information (LMI)

Labour Market Information (LMI) is important information for students and parents/carers to know about as it provides information on the local and national demand for a particular career along with the types of skills and experience required. LMI also provides information around:

Market Drayton falls into ‘The Marches’ region for LMI which covers Shropshire and Herefordshire.

Below are links to resources where students and parents/carers can access LMI information.

LMI Overview

LMI – Employment prospects in our area

Assessing and measuring the impact of the Future Me programme

Annually, feedback is sought from students, teachers, parents/carers and local employers around the Future Me programme. Feedback from all these groups then forms the Future Me programme plan for the academic year.

If you would like to contribute to this feedback, please click on the link below:

Parent/Carer Feedback

Student Feedback


The Grove School use Unifrog as our careers platform throughout our curriculum, from Year 7 to Year 13. Unifrog provides a single platform where students can record their personal achievements, identify their strengths and areas for development. The online recording of these experiences allows students to store all this information to support them for future college, university of job applications.

Unifrog also provides students with quizzes which supports them in making bespoke decisions about their future based upon their individual responses. There are also webinars for specific industries and skills which students can access.

Unifrog is also a key tool at The Grove School to ensure that we are meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks for every student and provides Labour Market Information (LMI) to support students in guiding their future career choices.

Unifrog – The complete destinations platform.

The Marches Careers Hub

The Future Me programme undertakes regular reviews across the academic year with The Marches Careers Hub.

The Marches Careers Hub are an independent organisation outside of the Marches Academy Trust and are central part of the government’s Careers Strategy and Statutory Guidance for School Leaders which aim to help all secondary schools and colleges implement high quality careers guidance to help young people make more informed decisions around their future choices.

For more information about The Marches Careers Hub, please follow this link Careers & Apprenticeships in Herefordshire, Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin.

Hannah Taylor – Interview skills webinar

CV Writing Tips with Andrea Richardson and Dave Parry

Hannah Taylor – CV webinar

Destinations Data

For access for current destinations for our students, please access the link here.

Experiences of the Workplace

In Years 10 and 12, our students will experience the workplace in a specific area of industry. These experiences are key in students identifying, applying and reflecting on the key employability skills that they will require for the future.

These experiences for students are logged on their Unifrog account, where they can reflect on their experiences of the workplace which they can refer back to for future college, university or job applications.

Job of the Week A – Z

Series of short videos on YouTube, one added every week from Jamie Pywell, Leader of Enterprise and Employability at Fullhurst Community College – his email is [email protected] or website www.mypathcareersuk.com.

This series of videos are all only around 2 minutes long – would be ideal for a lesson starter or tutor time.  Links are all below. Jamie says: “Feel free to use this resource however you feel will work best for your students. If you are adding this to your twitter feeds, please tag @MYPATHcareersUK 

As you probably already know, this resource wouldn’t be available without support from Cre8tive Resources. Have a look at a wide range of careers packages they offer here.

Video Links

  1. Actuary
  2. Barber
  3. Cardiologist
  4. Disaster Manager
  5. Employment Adviser
  6. Firefighter
  7. Games Tester
  8. Hotel Porter
  9. IT Technician
  10. Journalist
  11. Kennel Worker
  12. Librarian
  13. Marine Biologist
  14. Neurologist
  15. Outdoor Pursuits Manager
  16. Paramedic
  17. Retail Buyer
  18. Sports Coach
  19. Tattoo Artist
  20. Urban Designer
  21. Veterinary Surgeon
  22. Well Site Geologist
  23. Youth Worker
  24. Zoo-Keeper
  25. Quantity Surveyor
  26. Barrister
  27. Housing Officer

More useful career videos to inspire can be found at:
YouTube – CareersBox   iCould


To search for an apprenticeship, please click here.


For CV writing tips, please click here: CV template

Higher education

Find information on university courses, entry requirements and general details on HE – www.ucas.com


Careerometer is an online data portal which connects and standardises existing sources of high quality, reliable LMI to support the process of identifying potential careers. It allows students to compare national average wages, working hours and future employment prospects.

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