The Grove launches innovative approach to Year 7 transition from September!

Recently Mr Allsopp wrote to all families who are joining us in September to inform them of a significant change in the way that students will begin their journey with us here at The Grove School in a concept called ‘The Shore’.

In case you missed the information in our newsletter – here are some more details about our exciting plans!

“As you know I believe that there is a huge amount of potential here at Grove, that has been underappreciated for some time. Working alongside The Marches Academy Trust we are developing a model to recentre Grove at the heart of our community, starting with a really ambitious transition model. From September we will be offering a unique approach to transition for our new Year 7 students called ‘The Shore’. Here, students will have their own exclusive space to build their own careful sense of belonging and connection, with a tailored curriculum to ease and soften the move from key stage two to key stage three. The Shore will be based entirely within Grove House, on site here at the school.

“In an exciting development, our Sixth Form offer will move into a fully refurbished space based at the heart of the main site. We know that bringing our Sixth Form more centrally in our school site will allow them to continue to role model the high aspirations that we have for all of our students. The current Year 12 and those students who are staying on to Sixth Form in Year 11 now have the opportunity to help design their learning space. Watch this space!”

Grove House

Posted by marchesadmin on 15th May 2024, under Uncategorised

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