The Grove School teams up with The Day to enhance literacy and critical thinking

The Grove School and Sixth Form is thrilled to announce its recent collaboration with The Day, an online daily newspaper resource tailored for young people. This alliance aims to enrich our students’ educational experience by promoting critical thinking, real-world knowledge, and civic engagement. The Day’s resources play a pivotal role in bridging the education gap by sparking conversations on current affairs and facilitating informed discussions.

Last month, The Grove School had the honour of being featured as The Day’s featured school in their global marketing campaign. Our Assistant Headteacher, Mr Pledger, shared his insights on the impact of these resources:

“I love The Day. Students are engaging with modern issues and relevant topics, things that matter to them, and they’re getting to do it in a way that is probably a bit more comfortable for them than maybe the normal structure around just having a class reading book. I think they are also getting from it the ability to discuss contentious issues. The Day articles encourage students to look at both perspectives to make a more informed viewpoint, so it supports both personal development as well as a reading. It’s definitely making a difference to literacy levels too. We’ve gone from a significant proportion of the school body, about a third, below their age-expected reading level, to that being below 20% now, so it’s made a real difference in a very short period of time. The foreign language materials are also incredible because there’s so many different languages that are covered, but again, the articles are relevant and modern, and its subject matter that relates to the modern world and to students. It further means students get to apply their new language skills in a very modern setting.”

At The Grove School and Sixth Form, we prioritise literacy as we recognise the profound impact it has on students’ future opportunities. Our comprehensive reading strategy underscores the significance of ‘reading for pleasure’. We encourage all students to read in their own time and to bring their current reading book to school daily. This initiative is supported by various events and our ‘Drop Everything And Read’ (DEAR) programme, fostering a culture of reading and discussion. Having adults as literacy role models is crucial for children’s development, and we provide reading recommendations for both students and parents/carers.

Central to our literacy efforts is our exceptional library, a hub for reading and learning. It offers an extensive collection of reading materials and a conducive environment for study. Our fiction texts are integrated with the Accelerated Reader scheme, helping students select books that align with their reading levels effectively.

We invite you to watch the video below to learn more about The Day and understand why The Grove School values these resources in order to support our overall reading strategy:

Posted by marchesadmin on 7th June 2024, under Uncategorised

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