Category Archives: Uncategorised

The Sleep Charity | Teen Sleep Hub Launch

Award winning The Sleep Charity launched its brand new Teen Sleep Hub on Thursday with funding recei - read more

Posted by marchesadmin on 2nd October 2020, under Uncategorised

ATL Celebrations

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Posted by marchesadmin on 1st October 2020, under Uncategorised

Download the WisePay App

Please download the WisePay App for smarter, faster and easier payments. Our organisation code is:  - read more

Posted by marchesadmin on 25th September 2020, under Uncategorised

Grove Sixth Form Welcomes Guest Speaker

Our Ted X Grove programme of talks began earlier this week with Dylan Harrison speaking to the Sixth - read more

Posted by marchesadmin on 17th September 2020, under Uncategorised

Year 7 recognised for their fantastic achievements

Henry Jenkins 7EGR – Creativity: Henry has created this fantastic, creative, varied piece o - read more

Posted by marchesadmin on 15th September 2020, under Uncategorised

Guinness World Record Holders!

We did it! We are super proud to announce that we are now official holders of the Guinness World Rec - read more

Posted by marchesadmin on 7th September 2020, under Uncategorised

Lockdown Art Exhibition

Check out this roundup of some of the amazing art, students at The Grove have produced this year! ï - read more

Posted by marchesadmin on 21st July 2020, under Uncategorised

Learning Celebration Roundup

After what has been an extraordinary year at The Grove School, it is fitting to sign off the year ac - read more

Posted by marchesadmin on 17th July 2020, under Uncategorised

Picture of the week by Katherine Mcewan

Katherine Mcewan in Year 9 has been working hard throughout lockdown. She has nearly finished her - read more

Posted by marchesadmin on 16th July 2020, under Uncategorised

UKMT Junior Maths Challenge

Seven students from across Years 7 and 8 from The Grove School  recently took part in the UKMT Juni - read more

Posted by marchesadmin on 13th July 2020, under Uncategorised