Category Archives: Uncategorised

Meet our newly appointed Student Leadership Team

We are pleased to introduce our new Student Leadership Team! Year 7: Eloise Horrigan, Scarlet - read more

Posted by marchesadmin on 30th November 2020, under Uncategorised

ATL Winners

Congratulations to our recent Year 8 ATL (Attitude To Learning) winners! Our top accumulators wil - read more

Posted by marchesadmin on 26th November 2020, under Uncategorised

Free online course | ‘Understanding your brain (for teenager’s only!)’

The Solihull Approach have released an online course for teens: ‘Understanding your brain (for - read more

Posted by marchesadmin on 26th November 2020, under Uncategorised

Students display excellence in Art

Check out these fantastic pieces of artwork students have created. They have displayed excellence in - read more

Posted by marchesadmin on 25th November 2020, under Uncategorised

Spooky Photography Competition

A look back to our recent Spooky Photography Competition, we had some truly fantastic creative entri - read more

Posted by marchesadmin on 16th November 2020, under Uncategorised

Students accepted onto prestigious STEM Potential Programme

A huge Congratulations to the following Year 10 students who have been accepted onto the prestigious - read more

Posted by marchesadmin on 5th November 2020, under Uncategorised

FA Cup Attendance Battle

After an exciting FA Cup Attendance Season, the final two forms got narrowed down to Ms Wagner (8H - read more

Posted by marchesadmin on 4th November 2020, under Uncategorised

The Grove School has been recognised for its commitment to music!

Exciting news! We have been nominated by Shropshire Music Service to become a Music Mark school for - read more

Posted by marchesadmin on 8th October 2020, under Uncategorised

Discovery Day | Our first of the academic year

On Monday we had our first Discovery Day of the year, where students took part in a number of discus - read more

Posted by marchesadmin on 6th October 2020, under Uncategorised

Kooth Live Forums

Kooth is a digital mental health and wellbing organisation who offer support to young people aged be - read more

Posted by marchesadmin on 2nd October 2020, under Uncategorised